Notices served on 1.5 lakh PMAY-G beneficiaries for not constructing pucca houses: Bihar minister, ET RealEstate

March 12, 2025
1 min read
Notices served on 1.5 lakh PMAY-G beneficiaries for not constructing pucca houses: Bihar minister, ET RealEstate


PATNA: The Bihar government has served notices on more than 1.5 lakh beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Gramin (PMAY-G) scheme for not constructing or completing pucca houses even after disbursement of the amount required for the purpose into their personal bank accounts.

Rural Development Minister Sharwan Kumar, speaking in the assembly on Wednesday, said the department has also lodged certificate cases against 19,495 defaulters for not building their houses under the scheme despite the government sanctioning the total amount (all instalments) several months ago.

“A total of 82,441 beneficiaries have been served ‘white’ notice, which is a warning to get their pucca houses constructed so as to escape departmental action. Besides, 67,733 beneficiaries have been served ‘red’ notice, implying that action would be taken against them for failing to complete the construction, despite repeated advice and warnings.

“After red notice, a certificate case is filed against the defaulters. The department has also filed certificate cases against 19,495 defaulters,” the minister added.

Launched by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in June 2015 and implemented from April 2016, the PMAY-G is a flagship programme of the central government in its mission to provide affordable housing for all.

Addressed to the rural poor, the scheme provides pucca houses (minimum size of the unit being 25 square metres) with all basic facilities.

Financial assistance of Rs 1,20,000 per unit is given for plain areas, and Rs 1,30,000 per unit for hilly and difficult areas, Himalayan and northeastern states, and the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

While 60 per cent of the scheme’s amount is provided by the Centre, state governments bear the remaining 40 per cent.

  • Published On Mar 13, 2025 at 08:45 AM IST

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