KANPUR: District development officer Gajendra Pratap Singh took action against village development officer (VDO) Manoj Verma by suspending him for allocating housing to 15 unqualified individuals in Madhai Nivada of Shivrajpur block under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.
At the time of suspension, Verma was serving in Kalyanpur block and was reassigned to Bidhnu block.
Approximately 30 days ago, chief development officer (CDO) Deeksha Jain received a complaint from Madhai Nivada village resident Jitendra Singh, stating that village development officer Manoj Verma distributed housing funds to roughly 28 unqualified recipients in Shivrajpur block during the past year.
Following this, the project director instructed block development officer (BDO) Ashish Mishra to conduct an inquiry, which confirmed that housing benefits were wrongly given to 15 individuals. The VDO failed to provide an adequate explanation when the BDO issued a notice to the secretary.
Subsequently, the CDO submitted a report regarding the VDO’s improper implementation of the scheme.
On Tuesday, district development officer (DDO) Gajendra Pratap Singh issued the suspension order for the VDO and transferred him to Bidhnu block.