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Patliputra University Leads Patna’s Property Tax Defaulters with Over Rs 13 Crore Owed, ET RealEstate

Patliputra University Leads Patna's Property Tax Defaulters with Over Rs 13 Crore Owed, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

PATNA: Patliputra University (PPU), along with other educational institutions and residential and commercial establishments in the city, was listed as a tax defaulter, collectively owing the Patna Municipal Corporation (PMC) over Rs 19 crore in property tax arrears for the current fiscal year 2024-25.

According to a civic body release, seizure notices were issued under the relevant sections of the Bihar Municipal Property Tax to 506 defaulters who delayed paying property tax within the prescribed period, despite having the financial capacity to pay.

The PMC is likely to start confiscating properties of defaulters within the next seven days and has requested the district administration to provide additional police force for the action.

Municipal commissioner Animesh Kumar Parashar said the educational institutions under PPU collectively owe Rs 13.57 crore, with A N College alone accounting for Rs 12.27 crore, making it the largest defaulter among educational institutions. “During the previous financial year, while Patna University (PU) cleared their significant property tax dues, PPU remains a major defaulter. Currently, PU owes Rs 87 lakh for this financial year,” he said.

He added: “The civic body will proceed with locking and confiscating properties of govt and non-govt owners/institutions who have failed to respond to multiple notices regarding unpaid property tax. The corporation has already completed the marking of these defaulting buildings.”

The Bihar Municipality Act, 2007, Bihar Municipal Property Tax (Assessment, Collection and Recovery) Rules, 2013, and Patna Municipal Corporation Tax and Non-Tax Revenue Recovery Regulations, 2013, mandate timely payment of property tax/vacant land tax. Non-compliance triggers various enforcement actions, including demand notices, suspension of corporation services, seizure and auction of movable and immovable assets and bank account attachment.

PMC’s public relations officer Sweta Bhasker said there are seven institutions under PPU, which owe Rs 13.57 crore to the civic body, while eight institutions of PU have not paid property tax of Rs 87 lakh. “The PU has assured that they will clear their dues in a few days as some paperwork is pending; however, the PPU never paid a single penny for years and completely ignored the notices of the PMC, and hence the civic body will take action of confiscation if payment is not made within seven days, pending govt approval,” she said.

Apart from govt institutions, notices were served to 491 private property holders. A total amount of Rs 5 crore is outstanding on them. According to PMC officials, there are 99 defaulters in Azimabad circle, 90 in Bankipur, 89 in Kankerbagh, 86 in Patliputra, 73 in New Capital and 49 in Patna City.

The PMC has so far collected more than Rs 80 crore in holding and other utility taxes in the financial year 2024-25 from 1.90 lakh holdings, including all six circles. As per the data provided by the civic body, there are a total of 2.84 lakh holdings in the PMC area after the new assessment.

As per the rules, taxpayers have to pay the holding tax with a 1.5% penalty from October 1 till the end of March 2025. About a 5% rebate was given to taxpayers for the first three months (April-June), while no additional charge was taken from the holdings between July and September.

  • Published On Nov 24, 2024 at 01:30 PM IST

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