NEW DELHI: Puravankara has recorded pre-sales of Rs 1,265 crores for the third quarter of the financial 2024-25, up by two per cent from Rs 1,241 crores it reported in Q3 FY24.
Collections reached Rs 993 crore in Q3 FY25 compared to Rs 941 crores in Q3 FY24, up six per cent year-on-year.
For 9M FY25, collections increased to Rs 2,991 crore, up by 19% compared to Rs 2,515 crore for 9M FY24. The company also achieved a sale value of Rs 3,724 crore in 9MFY25.
Ashish Puravankara, managing director of the company said, “Keeping in line with our acquisition strategy and our growth plans for the current and next financial year, we have invested approximately Rs 1,100 crore this fiscal, adding a potential GDV of around Rs 10,500 crore. This includes our most recent acquisition in Kanakapura Road, Bengaluru.”
Average price realisation in Q3 FY25 increased to Rs 8,848 per sq ft, up by 16 per cent from Rs 7,621 per sq ft in Q3 FY24.
It had recently appointed Deepak Rastogi as group CFO and key managerial personnel, effective January 15, 2025.