NEW DELHI: Signature Global (India) has reported pre-sales of Rs 86.7 billion during the first nine months of FY25, recording 178 per cent growth year-on-year. The company registered pre-sales of Rs 27.7 billion in Q3 FY25, a 120 per cent year-on-year growth from Rs 12.6 billion it recorded in Q3 FY24.
With this, it has achieved 87% of its sales guidance of Rs 100 billion for FY25. Average pre-sales realisation for 9M FY25 grew to Rs 12,565 per sq ft compared to Rs 11,762 per sq ft in FY24.
Pradeep Kumar Aggarwal, chairman and whole-time director of the company said, “The strong demand during the festive season underscores the appeal of our carefully designed projects. Moving forward, we remain committed to refining our offerings to meet the evolving needs of homebuyers.”
The 9M FY25 collections amounted to Rs 32.1 billion, a 54% increase against 9M FY24. The company’s collections in Q3 FY25 were recorded at Rs 10.8 billion.
Net debt reduced to Rs 7.2 billion in 9M FY25 in comparison to Rs 11.6 billion at the end of FY24.