Today: Mar 03, 2025

Odisha government to implement sustainable construction methods for housing initiative, ET RealEstate

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BHUBANESHWAR: The state govt will implement climate-resilient and low-carbon construction methods under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) scheme, following a recent directive from the Central govt. The initiative aims to develop housing structures capable of withstanding extreme weather conditions, while maintaining a minimal carbon footprint through energy-efficient design and sustainable construction materials.

Gangadhar Nayak, mission director of the Odisha Urban Housing Mission (OUHM), confirmed the state’s commitment to this environmental initiative in a communication to the Centre. The project will commence with a comprehensive field study to assess implementation strategies across the state. “We are prepared to support this transformative project. The state govt has already designated a nodal officer to oversee the field study operations and ensure smooth coordination with our technical partners,” Nayak said.

The state appointed Sanjeev Kumar Panda, finance-cum-public-private partnership expert in the housing and urban development department, as the nodal officer to coordinate with the project team, comprising the Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy and Integrated Design Solutions.

This initiative to urban housing represents a significant shift in construction methodology, combining climate resilience with environmental sustainability, said experts. The houses will incorporate specific design elements to combat extreme weather events while utilising energy-efficient features and low-carbon materials in their construction. “The initiative marks a crucial step forward in India’s commitment to sustainable urban development and climate change adaptation. It also aligns with the global push toward reducing carbon emissions in the construction sector,” environmentalist Bijay Mishra said.

The field study, expected to begin shortly, will evaluate local conditions and requirements to ensure the successful implementation of these eco-friendly housing solutions. The findings will help create a blueprint for future climate-resilient construction projects under the PMAY-Urban scheme.

This innovative approach could potentially serve as a model for others to incorporate sustainable practices in their urban housing projects. “Innovation is the key to safeguard the environment. Such an approach in real estate now is very crucial,” city-based realtor Sangram Nayak said.

  • Published On Mar 2, 2025 at 02:32 PM IST

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