HYDERABAD: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday summoned B Subba Reddy of Vamsiram Builders and former BRS MLA Marri Janardhan Reddy, along with two other developers, in connection with an alleged land case linked to IAS officer Amoy Kumar.
According to ED sources, the summoned developers, including Talasu Surya Teja of Ammoda Developers and K Sidda Reddy of KSR Mines, and individuals were alleged beneficiaries of these transactions. IAS officer Amoy Kumar’s role in the matter was also under scrutiny, and his statements were recorded multiple times. The ED’s summons require the individuals to appear for questioning starting Dec 16.
The investigation also focuses on 50 acres of Bhoodan land in Nagaram village, Maheshwaram mandal, Rangareddy district. The ED’s Hyderabad unit, investigating under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), revealed that these transactions were part of broader irregularities involving 100 acres of Bhoodan land. The Telangana Bhoodan Yagna Board had previously issued eviction notices to land allottees, citing illegal transactions.
The PMLA investigation stems from an FIR registered by the Maheshwaram police in 2023. The FIR was based on a private complaint filed in the Maheshwaram court by Dastagir Shareef of Mehdipatnam.
The complaint alleged that in Oct 2021, fraudulent sale deeds were registered, and land passbooks were issued for 42 acres and 33 guntas in Nagaram village despite the land being notified as govt property. Land was reportedly sold illegally despite being listed as govt land under the 22-A prohibitory category of the Indian Stamp Act.
ED is examining whether fraudulent transactions were used to alienate govt land for private gain, with developments expected as the investigation progresses.