GANDHINAGAR: Chief minister Bhupendra Patel on Thursday conducted the first review of over 5,300 submissions received on the proposed jantri rate revisions.
Official sources said that the govt is not inclined to extend the deadline for submitting suggestions or objections to the proposal beyond Jan 20, 2025, and that the number of objections is likely to exceed 10,000.
At a state revenue department meeting to discuss key pending matters, Patel specifically scrutinised objections and suggestions received from various stakeholders on the proposed substantial increase in jantri rates. In less than a month’s time, over 5,300 objections and suggestions have been received.
Key sources close to the happenings said, “Alongside other revenue department matters, the CM, who additionally holds the revenue portfolio, examined objections and suggestions received for the proposed new jantri rates. Thus far, in approximately one month, precisely 5,302 objections/suggestions have been received through online and offline channels. Nevertheless, the govt anticipates that total submissions may double by Jan 20. The govt does not intend to extend the deadline beyond Jan 20 as two months appear to be a sufficient duration.”
Sources said that a majority of submissions are objections to the proposed increase. “Additional suggestions from real estate associations have also been received. Govt officials have been instructed to process existing submissions and verify these with local authorities. We have received merely 400 offline suggestions as this option was permitted only last week. However, we anticipate additional offline submissions in forthcoming days. Data processing might require several days after Jan 20. Govt is expected to make final decisions after examining all categories of objections and suggestions,” the sources added.
Sources further said that the govt has scheduled a conference of collectors and DDOs in Gandhinagar for Dec 20, where feedback regarding new jantri rates may also be sought.