BMC Implements SOP for Monitoring Construction Site Air Pollution in Mumbai, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

MUMBAI: BMC‘s environment department has issued a standard operating procedure (SOP) for its sub-engineers to effectively monitor and enforce compliance of air pollution mitigation measures at construction sites.

The SOP details the steps that the sub-engineers need to take while visiting construction sites. BMC has asked contractors of infrastructure projects to submit an environment management plan (EMP) for projects.

“Sub-engineers need to be accustomed to monitoring air or other environment pollution-related aspects and ensure the implementation of the guidelines issued by BMC in October last year,” said an official.

As the department is yet to be provided with dedicated sub-engineers, additional charge of implementing its tasks have been entrusted to sub-engineers of BMC’s mechanical & electrical engineering department at the ward level.

“The sub-engineers will have to visit the site and check whether it is complying with guidelines and recommend corrective action if the contractors or project proponents are found violating guidelines,” said a BMC official. “If instances of dust on the road contributing to pollution are found, the sub-engineer can get in touch with SWM officials and facilitate the deployment of tankers for road cleaning or use misting machines to control dust. Besides, the sub-engineers shall penalise those indulging in open burning of waste and coordinate with the SWM department to ensure there are fewer instances of open burning.”

If non-compliance with air pollution mitigation measures is found at construction sites on repeat visits, actions such as show cause notice, stop work notice, or imposition of penalty have been detailed in the SOP.

Earlier, the BMC made it mandatory for contractors of infrastructure projects within the civic jurisdiction to submit EMPs, which need to list sources of pollution at the site along with mitigation plans. BMC officials said contractors have been submitting plans and steps will be taken to penalise those who don’t.

BMC had set up squads at the ward level to monitor air pollution mitigation measures. But the work was affected due to the conduct of elections, as a large number of BMC employees were deployed on poll duty. The squads are expected to be back in action soon.

  • Published On Dec 6, 2024 at 05:30 PM IST

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