KOLKATA: Police commissioner Manoj Verma has instructed all OCs, supervisory ACs of police stations, and divisional DCs to ensure there is no encroachment of govt land.
The order stated that necessary coordination with authorities of civil administration, like KMC and other agencies, should be made to identify vacant govt land. “The authorities may be asked to place proper signage with photographs of the land, showing daag number, mouza number, area, and grid reference. Proper photographs of such land should be taken, and GDE should be made,” the order stated.
The CP asked divisional DCs to keep a record of such details, reiterating that unauthorized constructions will not be allowed.
The development comes in the wake of chief minister Mamata Banerjee repeatedly warning against govt land being encroached.
Kolkata: Police commissioner Manoj Verma has instructed all OCs, supervisory ACs of police stations, and divisional DCs to ensure there is no encroachment of govt land.
The order stated that necessary coordination with authorities of civil administration, like KMC and other agencies, should be made to identify vacant govt land. “The authorities may be asked to place proper signage with photographs of the land, showing daag number, mouza number, area, and grid reference. Proper photographs of such land should be taken, and GDE should be made,” the order stated.
The CP asked divisional DCs to keep a record of such details, reiterating that unauthorized constructions will not be allowed.
The development comes in the wake of chief minister Mamata Banerjee repeatedly warning against govt land being encroached.