HYDERABAD: Chief minister A Revanth Reddy on Tuesday directed officials to conduct a study, prepare modalities and submit a report on supplying sand for construction of houses under govt’s Indiramma Housing scheme during a review meeting with mines department at the secretariat.
A four-member committee comprising special chief secretary (finance) K Ramakrishna Rao, secretary (mining) N Sridhar, flagship programmes commissioner K Shashanka and TGMDC managing director B R V Susheel Kumar was constituted and told to submit the report in a week.
The committee will also conduct a comprehensive study on major and minor mineral policy and submit a report within two weeks. “Construction is increasing every year in the state. But govt could not earn expected revenues from sale of sand. On the other hand, consumers also bore the brunt of escalating sand prices. Work out modalities to ensure that sand is available to consumers at lower price while also looking at ways to increase revenue for the govt.
Officials were directed to take all steps to stop sand mafia. The CM also enquired with officials about fines imposed on major and minor mineral mining companies not being collected.
Work out modalities to ensure that sand is availed to consumers at lower price while also looking at ways to increase revenue. CM told the panel